What Are the Risks of At-Home Abortions?

All medical procedures have risks, including abortion. When considering the abortion pill, there are some things to consider to help you protect your health and safety.  Get All the Facts Before having an abortion, the Mayo Clinic recommends that a woman have a physical exam by a medical provider and an ultrasound. An ultrasound can

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What Are the Risks of Ordering the Abortion Pill Online? 

With the ability to purchase the abortion pill online, access has changed quite a bit. However, there are risks that you should be aware of when purchasing the abortion pill online.  Knowing the risks and taking appropriate safeguards are critical to protecting your health.  What Is the Abortion Pill? The abortion pill consists of two

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Comparing Abortion and Adoption

Abortion vs. Adoption You recently found out you’re pregnant. Now what? There are many options to consider, and it may be difficult to discern what is best for you in your current situation.  We can help you learn about and understand each option to make an informed decision. Contact our caring and professional staff for

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What Are the Signs of an Incomplete Abortion?

As published in this study by the National Library of Medicine, some manifestations of an incomplete abortion taking place are:  Heavy Bleeding Abdominal cramping  Fever Low blood pressure Women considering abortion should always speak with a trusted provider or pregnancy center where they can be empowered with knowledge, receive answers to their questions, and be

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What Are the Mental Health Effects of Abortion?

Several studies have shown a connection between mental health effects following an abortion. Women deserve to be aware of these effects if considering an abortion and what they are. Some effects are: Sadness Guilt Stress Depression Mental Health Significance The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services defines mental health as “our emotional, psychological, and

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Can Abortion Affect Mental Health, and Do I Have Other Options?

We understand that abortion can be a very heavy pregnancy decision and that a vast array of emotions are a part of this process. Prior to committing to a procedure, it’s important to familiarize yourself with potential side effects, including impacts on mental health. Additionally, it is important to explore each option you have available

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Roe v. Wade Overturned: Separating Fact From Fiction

Since the overruling of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court, there has been a great deal of confusion about the law and the impact it will have on reproductive rights. Reading articles online or listening to podcasts and radio shows makes it hard to discern the truth. Floridians are left wondering what the ruling

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Will My Insurance Pay For My Girlfriend’s Abortion?

If you and your girlfriend are facing an unplanned pregnancy, one of the primary concerns you may be worried about is what you can afford.  Your health insurance plan will most likely not cover the cost of an abortion for your girlfriend because you are not married. Laws for insurance companies vary by state but

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What Are the Different Types of Abortion?

How far along you are in your pregnancy will determine which type of abortion you are eligible for. A medical abortion is only FDA-approved for up to 10 weeks (70 days after your last menstrual period). If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, abortion might seem like a convenient solution, but it is still a

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