What Is a Medical Abortion?

A medical abortion, also referred to as the “abortion pill,” involves taking two powerful drugs to terminate a pregnancy and remove it from the uterus. Before making this decision, it’s critical to learn all you can to protect your health. For example, you’ll need to know if you’re eligible and the potential risks to watch

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How to Tell Your Boyfriend and Family You Are Pregnant

The thought of telling your boyfriend and family you’re pregnant can feel overwhelming, but there are steps you can take to make it less nerve-wracking. This article will explore these steps. However, if you’re looking for a safe, confidential space to talk first, we’re here to help. 1. Know Your Options Before sharing the news

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How Will Abortion Affect Me Mentally?

Are you facing an unplanned pregnancy and considering abortion? Did you know that abortion can cause mental health complications for some women? Read on to learn more about the adverse mental health implications associated with abortion and the risk factors that might make you more likely to experience a mental health complication. Mental Health Complications

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I Don’t Want To Be Pregnant. Is Abortion My Only Option?

Do you think you might be pregnant? An unplanned pregnancy can be a confusing and emotional time. If you are not yet sure you are pregnant, take a deep breath. At Mosaic Sexual Health Clinic, we are here to help. Our experienced team can provide you with a free lab-quality pregnancy test and an ultrasound

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Can You Get Pregnant Again After An Abortion?

An unplanned pregnancy often occurs at a time when having a child seems impossible. Sometimes, women who want children in the future contemplate an abortion. The question then arises: can an abortion prevent future pregnancies? Or can it make them more difficult? There are two main types of abortion: medical and surgical. They both come

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Why Talk To Us About Abortion?

Finding out you are pregnant can be shocking, especially if the pregnancy is unexpected. Sometimes, you just need someone to talk to without judgment or pressure. Mosaic Sexual Health Clinic provides a safe space just for you. We will listen and provide critical information on your options and resources. What Information Can Mosaic Provide? 1.

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3 Things To Consider Before Abortion

Abortion is a serious medical procedure. It’s critical to verify your pregnancy, find out key health details, and receive STI testing before moving forward. When contemplating an abortion, there are three things that are important to address before moving forward. 1. Pregnancy Testing You may be experiencing pregnancy symptoms, such as nausea and fatigue. Your

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What Are Early Pregnancy Symptoms?

Your body is showing unusual signs, and you wonder if it means you might be pregnant. Many pregnancy symptoms are similar to symptoms of other health conditions, such as premenstrual syndrome (PMS) or even food poisoning, so it’s essential to confirm your pregnancy with a pregnancy test and an ultrasound to find out for sure.

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3 Things to Know if You Are Considering Mail-Order Abortion

While some women with unexpected pregnancies may feel mail-order abortion is a convenient option, they should be aware of the dangers associated with this choice. Any medications provided without proper medical oversight can pose risks to your health. While we do not perform or refer for abortions, Mosaic Sexual Health Clinic cares about your well-being

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What Are the Different Types of Adoption?

The thought of placing your child for adoption might seem difficult now, and it may be hard to imagine allowing another family to raise them. But what if you could select that family and pursue an adoption plan of your choosing? That’s the adoption process today. You can also choose between an open, semi-open, or

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