Can You Reverse the Effects of The Abortion Pill?

The short answer is, yes, you can reverse the effects of the abortion pill. For the most success, it must happen within a certain time window. The procedure to reverse the abortion pill can only occur after the first pill for a medication abortion of is taken. How Does the Abortion Pill Work? The abortion

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What Are My Second-Trimester Pregnancy Options?

Deciding what to do regarding an unplanned pregnancy is a difficult choice, leaving many women still undecided in the second trimester. If that’s you, Mosaic Sexual Health Clinic is here to help! Here are your second-trimester pregnancy options explained: Parenting Some of the greatest gifts in life aren’t planned. While parenting brings added life challenges,

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Before You Have an Abortion

You’d think all you need to make a decision about abortion is a positive pregnancy test result. But, it isn’t. Eligibility for certain abortion methods is determined by how long you’ve been pregnant. Plus, it’s possible to get a positive test result and not actually be pregnant.  You need more information and the best way

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