Following the 2024 election, there has been a lot of confusion and misinformation surrounding abortion laws in Florida. At Mosaic Sexual Health Clinic, we believe that accurate information is vital for anyone facing an unplanned pregnancy—and we’re here to dispel myths and offer the facts.

Here’s what you need to know about the current laws and why getting an ultrasound is essential before making any pregnancy decision. (Looking for a safe space to talk? Schedule your free, confidential appointment today.)

Current Abortion Laws in Florida

The 2024 election didn’t change the abortion restrictions that had already been implemented in Florida early last year. This Florida law states that abortions are unlawful once a pregnancy has reached six weeks gestation (which is typically when a heartbeat can be detected).

The details you need to know include:

  • Although abortion is prohibited after six weeks of pregnancy, there are exceptions in cases of rape, incest, or threats to the mother’s life before 15 weeks.
  • If seeking an abortion before the six-week gestational limit, Florida law mandates a 24-hour waiting period after an initial consultation first. This is to ensure that a woman is informed and has time to process the decision.
  • For minors, parental consent is required before an abortion can be performed.

Why an Ultrasound Is Critical

An ultrasound is a vital step before making any pregnancy decision, including abortion. Here’s why:

  • Estimate gestational age: Since Florida law restricts abortion after six weeks, knowing how far along you are is essential if you’re considering abortion. However, even if you’re considering another option, it’s still critical to know how far along you are to receive prompt prenatal care.
  • Detect pregnancy viability: Not all pregnancies are viable (progressing). An ultrasound can determine if the pregnancy is progressing, which can be indicated by fetal heartbeat.
  • Confirm intrauterine pregnancy: An ultrasound can confirm that your pregnancy is located in the uterus, where it’s supposed to be. An ectopic pregnancy occurs outside the uterus and requires immediate medical attention. Plus, if you attempt to take the abortion pills while unknowingly experiencing an ectopic pregnancy, you’re putting your health at risk.

Supporting You Every Step of the Way

At Mosaic Sexual Health Clinic, while we do not perform or refer for abortions, we are committed to being an affordable first step so that you can receive the information and clarity you need prior to such a big decision.

Don’t face this alone. Contact us today to schedule your free, confidential Pre-Abortion Screening (which includes free lab-quality pregnancy testing, a limited ultrasound, and options information). You’ll find a safe space to talk, ask questions, and learn the key details you need to know to stay safe. We’re here for you.